Alan Hollingsworth, MD
Alan Berch Hollingsworth, MD was Oklahoma’s first breast-dedicated surgeon, now retired from active practice, but still involved in breast MRI screening studies, as well as blood test research with biotech companies. Dr. Hollingsworth was the founding medical director of one of the first multidisciplinary breast centers in the country, located at the University of Oklahoma where he also held the G. Rainey Williams Chair in Surgical Breast Oncology. In 1999, he was appointed as medical director of the Mercy Breast Center in Oklahoma City where he served for over 20 years, also developing a unique private practice focused entirely on the long- term management of high-risk patients. As an author, he was recognized in the medical world for his books and original publications, prompting an invitation to serve as Editor and lead author for the first national think tank on breast cancer risk assessment, sponsored by Komen. He also served on the Editorial Board of The Breast Journal for many years. His writing efforts were not contained by medicine, however, and his breakthrough novel was the best-seller, Flatbellies, a coming-of-age story published by W.W. Norton (New York, London) in 2001. Various writing awards and recognition continued with his second novel, University Boulevard, as well as the true crime story of his grandfather’s 1923 murder – Killing Albert Berch. For a trilogy called the Brainbow Chronicles, currently in progress, he uses the pseudonym, John Albedo ( The first installment – Nutshell – was released in May 2021, with the second book – Cannibal Club – scheduled for release in 2022, and the final volume – Heavenly Blues – in 2023.